Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do it.
Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.
Harold Thurman Whitman
Testimonials – Being Called Course
Until I started doing this work two years ago, I lived in a reality controlled by voices of the past, voices that weren’t mine that had created the world as I knew it for 38 years. I was working a job that left me feeling stressed, drained, and unfulfilled. The voices that played came from those of my early years, “It doesn’t matter if you like your job. As long as you have a steady paycheck with benefits, that’s all that matters.” “Oh, and money doesn’t grow on trees so you have to work hard.” And so, there I was. I went to work everyday with a sense of dread and anxiety. I lived every week looking forward to the end of the day and the weekend ahead. I lived paycheck to paycheck and made just enough to sustain my life. But I had bigger ideas, dreams, and things I wanted to do. I just didn’t know how to make them happen. Until one day, I met someone who would be the catalyst to my life taking a big turn. Doc Roberts opened me up to a new way of thinking and seeing. Once I started to identify what I wanted and started to sift through the voices and question my limiting beliefs, things started to move and my life started to slowly take shape. It started to shape into a life that I was was intentionally creating rather than falling into out of fear, security, and comfort. And since doing so, I’ve had to confront those voices, old beliefs, and people in my life that want to keep me small. And little by little, one step at a time, the changes have taken place. My life continues to morph into a reality designed by my hand, my inner knowing and essence, and my unique expression. Every person on this planet has the ability to do this. Amy Schweim
I am amazed at the personal growth I’ve experienced in only six sessions. Joan Virga
I feel more alive than I have in years. Connie
Thank you so very, very much for helping me to focus on my goals! Because you redefined a little word “strength” for me, it has changed my life so much, that I felt the need to express how really grateful I am. I’ll never forget the tremendous amount of effect you’ve been in my life. Gilda Coleman
I want you to know the impact you have had on my life. At the time, I was in fairly poor shape in my life. Just enrolling in your Program was a huge step for me. But it was the beginning for putting my life back together after divorce. Over several months, I made decisions about myself I had put off for a long time. I reexamined my values and goals. With the guidance from your classes and listening to your tapes, I was able to reach into myself to find my passions – for work and life! I decided to return to the teaching profession I had left nearly 20 years earlier. I found that I truly love teaching and am actively employed as a teacher in a nearby school district. I have now met many immediate goals and am working on some long term goals. I will never forget you. Thank you for being there when I was seeking my direction. Although the workshops are large groups, you touched one person with great intimacy. Judith Lipshutz
The Being Called Program has helped me regain a sense of excitement about life and to find within myself work that will be joyful and fulfilling. It has helped my outlook in all areas of my life. Dale Heuermann
This course, for the first time in my adult life, gave me the ability to know and love myself. I’ve learned that I can do what I want to do and that there’s a process that I can go through to reach my goals. It put me in charge of my life. Michael Peoples
Thank you for the wonderful changes you’ve helped me to make in my life. Your program has been a miracle to me. Charlene
The Being Called Program was definitely thought provoking and offered more than I could possibly have imagined. Things started happening quickly! I now know my talents and interests and have made significant steps towards living my dreams. Thank you Doc for allowing me to see my capabilities, skills, interests, and knowing I can do it! Elena Layland
I’ll never forget the tremendous amount of effect you’ve been in my life for such a short time. Thank you so very, very much for helping me to focus on my goals. Because you redefined a little word ‘strength’ for me, it has changed my life so much, that I felt a need to express how really grateful I am. Gilda
Just wanted to say thank you for all your time and help. I am now able to see things with a clarity unknown and yet somehow known to me. Again thank you for everything. Blessings, Sister Maria
I love theBeing Called Program! It helped me to get out of my shell and to not isolate myself. When I declared my purpose, it felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I highly recommend it to everyone. Loretta Fischer-Herrin
It helped me to get over my fear! I am able now to acknowledge my negative voices, but go on to do what I want to do. Alisa Hankus
The Being Called Program has been one of the most meaningful experiences in my life. What I experienced is a continual growth, expanding beyond my old self-imposed limits. One example is how I learned to view fear in a positive light that gave me the courage to live my life on a grander scale, exploring my dreams and being true to myself. This Program has given me the tools I need to live my life in a more meaningful way. I grew more during this time than any other time in my life. Tim Talbert
I have done plenty of work through therapy and meditation on my own personal journey, and this class helped me catapult my self-awareness to a new level. Doc’s demeanor is so gentle and so inspiring. This work, which can be so intimidating and intense, felt inviting under their guidance. I can’t say anything short of, this changed my life. Although it would be more accurate to say I’m changing my life because of it. I’ve heard many of these concepts before, but never so accessible and never so friendly. I’m thankful everyday since starting this series that I agreed to give it a try. I am so grateful for this. Zack
LOVED this awakening to life class! What an eye/brain opener! Doc and Amy, you’ve planted an amazing seek within all of us that will allow us to break out of our shells into our true light and BECOME who we were meant to be! I enjoyed working with our wheel (sub-personality) and identifying the positive sides to each of them. The handouts and practices to take with us throughout the weeks were really helpful and tools to use for life. Be Present! This is just the beginning. Thank you for being who you both are! By shining your lights, you’ve allowed for me to realize my own light within! Samantha Schmidbauer
I found it extremely helpful to realize I can disengage with the negative “voices” in my head and retrain my thought patterns to a positive life outlook. Also learning tools to create the life I want to live, no just accepting the familiar patterns of my existing reality. Ruthie Matthews
This course has helped me reach in and dig into some comments that have been running through my head and my heart for years. With these new skills, I’m able to silence the negative records and bring the more positive quiet mind forward. I’m working through the layers and I’m thrilled to realize and give myself my Primary Essence. This mantra will be my go to from here on out. Carson
The Being Called course was deeply transformative. I learned more about myself, my TRUE self, than I have ever learned before. I enjoyed the free flow nature of this course. Great structure but also enjoyed the space for conversation and thoughts. Be ready to discover who you truly are! Josh
I loved this Being Called Course! The sub-personality wheel was a powerful tool for seeing how my sub-personalities can be self-limiting. Walking through the steps brought deeper awakening and awareness along with a deep excitement for working through the layers of my sub-personalities. Have these awesome tools will empower me to step into the full passion and purpose of my life. Thank you Doc & Amy! Johnnie Schmidbauer